What kind of services are provided by the Tu Casa Program?

The Tu Casa Program, not to be confused with Tu Casa, Inc., provides crisis intervention services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and intimate partner stalking. These services are confidential, voluntary, and free of cost to survivors. 


24-hour Hotline 

Our emergency hotline is available to survivors 24 hours/7 days a week. This hotline is always staffed by a trained advocate or volunteer, ready to answer your questions, offer support, and get you connected with services best suited to your situation. 


Ongoing Advocacy

Should you desire, you can meet with an advocate on an ongoing basis to discuss your situation and gather information, resources, and ps

ychoeducation to help keep you safe. Our advocates aren't here to pressure you to make any specific decision, but rather to help you explore your legal rights, options, and the resources available to you. Through our ongoing advocacy services, survivors also have access to the following services: 

  • Safety Planning
  • Relocation Assistance
  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Help Filing a Protection Order 
  • Court Accompaniment
  • Information & Referrals


Emergency Shelter

Tu Casa, Inc. houses an emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, intimate partner stalking, and child sexual abuse. It's important to note our emerency shelter is not a long-term housing solution and is not considered to be transitional housing. Rather, our emergency shelter is reserved for individuals who are actively fleeing dangerous relationships/situations and who are in need of an emergency, short-term stay. Our shelter is completely confidential and at an undisclosed location. In order to be accepted into our emergency shelter, survivors will be required to speak with an advocate to discuss their eligibility and the situational lethality. 


Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations & Advanced Forensice Nurse Examinations

Our SANE Program offers medical examinations to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child sexual abuse or physical abuse.